Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Worst Venture Capital Fund Names in the History of the Universe

Sorry for no meaningful posts this week.  I've been busy with stupid shit like cold-calling companies that may or may not have more than $500,000 in revenue.  Miserable.  But the one benefit of looking at shit companies is finding out who their shit investors are, and making fun of them.  Without further ado, I present the Shitty VC Name Hall of Fame:
    I'm really well-known for starting a VC firm that invests in best-in-class fluffers.
  1. Fluffco - Seriously? They are "formed by angel investor, Irving J. Levin. Mr. Levin is a well known entrepreneur in the Portland, Oregon vicinity."  Kind of reminds me of those well-known professional basketball players in the North Korea vicinity.  Good luck fluffing, Irv.
  2. Crossbow Ventures - When I fundraise, I want people to envision medieval weaponry, because the threat of me using it to kill you is the only way you will invest in this stupid piece of garbage.
  3. Techxas Ventures - Technology + Texas = Techxas.  Brilliant.  You know what's even more brilliant?  Listing "Unknown" companies on your portfolio page.  Hopefully Wal-Mart gets the memo and does their next rollback commercial with "unknown" items.
  4. Carrot Capital Healthcare Ventures - Carrots are for pussies.
  5. Double D Ventures - I can't even find a website for this firm, probably because someone at VentureSource made it up as a joke on me.  They may have funded Fluffco at some point though.
Sadly, this list isn't a real Hall of Fame.  I just took it from the last 3 companies on the list that I have been assigned to cold-call.  Jealous?  I thought so.
